Homophobics II

Quarter Of Britons Want Gay Sex Criminalised

...That's right, a poll by the British newspaper The Observer had 24% of respondents saying they wanted gay sex made illegal.
Maybe some people's brains haven't developed as far past the Neanderthal level of thinking that we had assumed they had!
Britain is a country where gay civil unions are legal and gay sex has been fully decriminalised for decades, yet 1 in 4 people somehow think a man loving a man should be a criminal offence, punishable by law.
One could understand how a large proportion of the population may be against gay unions or may be somewhat homophobic, but that 1 in 4 people want to bar others from living their life is disappointing! ...
Source: DNA Magazine.


Rodrigo Santoro
Promoting Steven Soderbergh's Che with Benicio De Toro in São Paulo.

Homophobics I

Increase In US Gay Hate Crime
It has been reported by American law enforcement authorities that there was an increase in hate crimes against gay people in 2007, despite a drop in the overall hate crime rate.
The FBI revealed there were 7,600 hate crime incidents this year, and there was a 6% increase in anti-gay hate crimes.
The report is statistical, so reasons for the spike in anti-gay incidents were not given.
Most of the reported hate crimes tended to be anti-black, anti-Jewish and anti-gay in nature.
Source: DNA Magazine

USA Elections

Power Couple
Barack Obama & Bill Clinton
Democratic Presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton shake hands during a campaign rally in Kissimme, Florida, October 29, 2008.
Obama and Clinton appeared on stage for the first time before the November 4 presidential election.

Source: LCL Blog - 31/Out/2008.

Wednesday, October 29

Apple Apoia Gays na Califórnia

Há uma semana para o referendo sobre a 'Proposta 8', que pretende proibir o casamento gay na Califórnia, a Apple anunciou em seu site oficial apoio ao casamento gay e fez a doação de US$ 100 mil ao grupo "No on 8".

"A Apple foi uma das primeiras empresas da Califórnia a oferecer direitos iguais e benefícios aos parceiros de mesmo sexo de nossos funcionários, e acreditamos que os direitos fundamentais de uma pessoa - incluindo o direito de se casar - não devem ser afetados pela orientação sexual", diz a nota.

Juntando-se ao Google e outras multinacionais como a Pepsi, que já tinham declarado apoio ao casamento gay.
Também ontem, Maria Shriver, esposa do governador Arnold Schwarzenegger defendeu a união civil. “Eu acredito no direito das pessoas de escolher um parceiro que amem. Essa foi a decisão que eu fiz, por muito tempo”, disse a primeira-dama, que também é sobrinha do ex-presidente John F. Kennedy.
Fonte: A Capa - 29/Out/2008.