Saturday, November 29

Ajuda em Euros

Alemanha vai doar $200 mil Euros
... às vítimas das inundações em Santa Catarina

Segundo o Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Alemanha, os recursos serão destinados para a compra de barracas, alimentos, colchões, cobertores e água potável.

O dinheiro será repassado por meio de ONGs alemãs que atuam na região em cooperação com o Consulado-Geral da Alemanha em Porto Alegre.

Santa Catarina, principalmente em Blumenau, abriga a maior colônia alemã fora da Europa.

Vive La Difference!

Franceses Pedem Camisinhas Maiores

Os franceses dizem que precisam das maiores camisinhas na Europa, enquanto os gregos se contentam com as menores, revelou um estudo feito na Europa por uma consultoria alemã que fornece orientações sobre preservativos.

No estudo foi pedido a 10.500 homens em 25 países que medissem seus pênis e registrassem os dados num banco de dados.

Os resultados mostram que os franceses, em média, afirmam precisar de camisinhas de 15,48 centímetros de comprimento - três centímetros mais que os gregos, cujas exigências são as mais modestas do continente.

Fonte: Reuters - 28/Nov/2008.

Thursday, November 27

Gay Rumours... Again!

Hugh Jackman is basking in the glow of his new movie "Australia" and that of his new crown as People's Sexiest Man Alive.
After talking gay rumours with People magazine, he again opened up to MTV about those rumours that just won't go away...

Source: DNA - 27/Nov/2008.

Santa Catarina Under Water

The climatic disaster in South Brazil over the course of this week has resulted in 97 people confirmed dead and 19 still missing.

Over 78,000 people were forced to leave their homes, and overall 1.5 million people have been affected by the heavy rains, floods, and landslides in Santa Catarina State.

Six cities have been completely cut off, and roads have been closed off.
Emergency workers and volunteers have been using helicopters and boats to try to reach those left stranded.

Floaded supermarkets and other commercial establishments have been looted by the hungry population.
. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva released R$1.6 billion of funds the country keeps as reserves for disasters this summer.
The funds will go to Santa Catarina's Civil Defense department and the Armed Forces, and to help repair roads and ports and provide medical aid.

Source: Made in Brasil - 27/nov/2008.

Florida: Gay Adoption Ban Overturned

A judge has overturned a 30 years old law that prevented gay people from adopting children, allowing a Miami man to adopt two half-brothers he had been raising with his partner for four years.
Martin Gill and his partner had been fostering the two half-brothers, but had wanted to make the arrangement permanent.
"There is no question, the blanket exclusion of gay applicants defeats Florida's goal of providing dependent children a permanent family through adoption," Judge Cindy Lederman wrote in her ruling.
Lederman said the ban violated children's right.
"The best interests of children are not preserved by prohibiting homosexual adoption."

Source: DNA - 26/Nov/2008.


Freguesias de Casa Forte e Torre
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