Monday, December 29

Israel Strikes Gaza

Waves of Israeli aircraft swooped over the Gaza Strip on Saturday, firing missiles at Hamas’s security headquarters and killing more than 200 people.
Israel pounded Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip from the air Sunday for a second day and prepared for a possible invasion after killing nearly 290 Palestinians in the opening rounds of a fierce offensive.
Israel said the campaign that began Saturday was a response to almost daily rocket and mortar fire that intensified after Hamas, the Islamist group in charge of the enclave that Israel quit in 2005, ended a six-month ceasefire a week ago.

Despite the assault, militants fired some 80 rockets into Israel, emergency services said.

Israeli tanks deployed on the edge of the Gaza Strip, poised to enter the densely populated enclave of 1.5 million Palestinians.

.Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's cabinet approved a call-up of 6,500 reservists, a government official said.

Source: Reuters - 29/Dec/2008.

Wednesday, December 24

Big X-Mas Balls

... pick up the balls for your tree

... choose from colors and sizes

... some texture and touching
... and hung the bells too

... treat your self gooooood

Catholics: Another "Message of Love" (?)

VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict said on Monday that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour was just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.

"(The Church) should also protect man from the destruction of himself.
A sort of ecology of man is needed," the pontiff said in a holiday address to the Curia, the Vatican's central administration.
"The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less."
The Catholic Church teaches that while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are. It opposes gay marriage and, in October, a leading Vatican official called homosexuality "a deviation, an irregularity, a wound".
The pope said humanity needed to "listen to the language of creation" to understand the intended roles of man and woman.
He compared behaviour beyond traditional heterosexual relations as "a destruction of God's work".
He also defended the Church's right to
"speak of human nature as man and woman, and ask that this order of creation be respected".
"Being gay is about your love life.
Gay men and women aren't people who perform certain acts;
they are people who love in certain ways".
(MS Blog)
Source: Reuters - 22/Dec/2008.

Tuesday, December 23

Santa n' Company

...time for geting together


...afternoom in Boa Viagem

Continental Airlines Flight 1404 - Denver

Investigators took photos and measurements at the charred wreckage of a Continental Airlines jet Monday, searching for clues about why the plane veered off a runway and skidded into a shallow ravine.
The twin-engine Boeing 737-500 still sat in a shallow, snow-covered ravine where it came to rest after its aborted takeoff Saturday at Denver International Airport.
The latest accident forced the 115 passengers and crew aboard Flight 1404 to flee through emergency exits as the plane burned.
The jet had shed its left engine and both main landing gears.
The entire right side of the jet was burned, and melted plastic from overhead compartments dripped onto the seats.
Source: LCL Blog - 22/Dec/2008.

Saturday, December 20

Friday, December 19

Happy Friday

... get ready for the weekend !!!

Obama Pró-Gay ?

Criador de escola para LGBT será nomeado secretário de educação
O presidente eleito norte-americano, Barack Obama, tornará oficial a nomeação do diretor de escolas públicas de Chicago, Arne Duncan, como o novo secretário de educação do governo.
Arne Duncan é conhecido pela postura reformista no que diz respeito a educação.
Um de seus projetos mais recentes e polêmicos foi a criação de uma escola preparatória para a comunidade LGBT.
Ao anunciar tal projeto, sofreu forte revés da oposição republicana, incluindo o prefeito de Chicago.
Assim que Obama se elegeu, já circulava a noticia de que Duncan seria o titular da pasta de educação no governo democrata.
Fonte: A Capa - 19/Dez/2008.