Tuesday, February 9

Miami Beach Targeting Gay Men

ACLU will sue the city for targeting gay men
"According to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union of Florida), Miami Beach has a history of arresting gay men for simply looking “too gay.”
"Fuking fuget", policeman said...
“Gay men have been reportedly targeted by Miami Beach Police near Flamingo Park for decades.
Often, police target gay men walking near the park for nothing more than looking 'too gay',”
Robert Rosenwald, director of the ACLU of Florida's LGBT Advocacy Project, said.

The ACLU is demanding that the Miami Beach Police Department Institute immediate remedial action to halt "the harassment, intimidation and arrest of gay men near Flamingo Park and individuals who observe, document or report police misconduct.”

Source: On Top Magazine - 03/Feb/2010.
Keep reading: http://www.ontopmag.com/article.aspx?id=5217&MediaType=1&Category=26

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