Friday, March 5

Chile Keeps Shaking

. On the very same day that government declared national mourning by a massive earthquake that left over 800 dead, Chile experienced a new tremor of 6.3 magnitude on Richter sacle.
The earthquake occurred at 6:19 (local time), lasted about a minute, and frightened the residentes of Concepcion, the hardest hit city by powerful eartquake last saturday.
The epicenter was at the sea, 48 km off the coast.
The Chilean Navy minuts later dismissed the possibility of tsunami or tidal waves .
Minutes before the quake, at 6:08 a.m., there was another of 4.7 degrees with an epicenter just south of Santiago.
During the night there were other earthquakes, the first at 0:34 a.m. of 5.7 degrees.
Source: UOL News - 05/Mar/2010.

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