Tuesday, August 3

Shop at TARGET ??? . . . . . (They are ANTI-GAY)

Get this: Target, the retail giant, just became one of the very first companies to take advantage of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision allowing unlimited corporate cash in elections.
Target has spent over $150,000 in the Minnesota Governor's race backing state Rep. Tom Emmer, a far-right Republican who supports Arizona's draconian immigration law, wants to abolish the minimum wage and even gave money to a fringe group that condoned the execution of gay people.

Target must think customers won't care. They're wrong:
We do care, and we need to let them know that we want Target out of our elections.
"Will you send a message to Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel telling him that you're not going to shop at Target unless they stop trying to buy elections?"

Click here to add your name to the petition:
MoveOn.org -Democracy in Action

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